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The University of New South Wales, Australia's top research institute, or UNSW, was
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founded in 1949 and its main campus is located in Sydney, the capital of New Jersey.
The University of New South Wales is one of three internationally renowned research university alliances that organizes the University of the Pacific Rim (APRU),
the Global Technology University Alliance (GlobalTech), and Universitas 21 member universities. In the latest "QS World University Rankings (2018-2019)",
the University of New South Wales ranks 45th in the world, ranking in the US News World University Rankings (2018), ranking 69th in the world; in 2018,
hames High It ranks 85th in the world in the Education World University Rankings.  Among the many disciplines, the University of New South Wales is known
for its business and engineering. According to the latest 2017 QS WORLD RANKINGS BY SUBJECT UNSW, the mineral engineering and mining
engineering ranks 9th in the world, accounting and finance ranks 10th in the world, law degree ranks 16th in the world, civil engineering and structural
engineering ranks 15th in the world. Position, electrical and electronic engineering ranks 23rd in the world. Geoffrey Garrett,
Dean of the Wharton School of Business, the world's number one business school, is the former dean of UNSW Business School.
Among all the departments of the University of New South Wales, the Department of Engineering is the most well-known and most widely applied
department and the most "difficult to read" department. Among them, Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering) and Photovoltaic
Solar are the most prestigious. The College of National Defense (National Defense College) is equivalent to the National Defense University.
In the official ranking of MyUniversity launched by the Australian government, the University of New South Wales ranks
first in Sydney. Since 2014, UNSW's undergraduate and master's graduate employment rates have been the highest in Australia.